
Please fill in the details below. You will receive billing information and log-in details shortly.

Are you a SensorSpace customer?

If so, will this device be added to the same organization, with the same users?

Existing Customer Name?

Existing Organization?

What is the new organization name?

Billing details:

First Name

Last Name

Address line 1

Address line 2

Address line 3


Postcode or Zip:


PO reference:

Email addresses for:

Organisation Manager – please provide 1 email address. Managers can do everything including deleting all devices & data.

Organisation Explorer – please provide 1 email address and different to that of Manager. Explorers can do everything except deleting or creating devices & data.

Organisation Dashboards – please provide 1 email address and different to that of Explorer and Manager. Dashboard viewers can only view dashboards but have access to all dashboards within the organisation.

What is the new organization name?

Billing details:

First Name

Last Name

Address line 1

Address line 2

Address line 3


Postcode or Zip:


PO reference Number:

Email addresses for:

Organisation Manager – please provide 1 email address. Managers can do everything including deleting all devices & data.

Organisation Explorer – please provide 1 email address and different to that of Manager. Explorers can do everything except deleting or creating devices & data.

Organisation Dashboards – please provide 1 email address and different to that of Explorer and Manager. Dashboard viewers can only view dashboards but have access to all dashboards within the organisation.

Device type
Software - 1 PlanEthernet - 2 Plan

Device serial number (if hardware or software device is being re-used from a Previous Plan)

Tier required
T1T2T3T4T5T6    View Pricing

Who at Mantracourt/Broadweigh have you been speaking to about Sensorspace?

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